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Thursday, 10 November 2022

S.W.S. - Week 8 (said)

For week 8 of Speed Week Sentences, the students were supposed to write a sentence using the word "said".  They were then asked to revise their sentence by changing "said" to a more descriptive word and by adding two adverbs/adjectives.  After editing their sentences for capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, we voted for our top 3 sentences to be published.  Here are our winners:

For his last words he cried "moooooooooooooooooooooooo" at 2am. - by Ben

Timmy's mommy said, "here is your hotdog at 11111111111111111111111111111 a.m.". - by Mason 

I exclaimed, "Hooray! I died at two o'clock on an alien dissection table." - by Connor

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

S.W.S. - Week 7 (walked)

For week 7 of Speed Week Sentences, the students were supposed to write a sentence using the word "walked".  They were then asked to revise their sentence by changing "walked" to a more descriptive word and by adding two adverbs/adjectives.  After editing their sentences for capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, we voted for our top 3 sentences to be published.  Here are our winners:

I traveled to the moon, in the moon, and on the moon, and strolled home. - by Bryn

The fat and chubby pig trotted right through the Wall of China. - by Julia

The giraffe raced the plump gummy bear. - by Brooklyn

S.W.S. - Week 6 (sad)

For week 6 of Speed Week Sentences, the students were supposed to write a sentence using the word "sad".  They were then asked to revise their sentence by changing "sad" to a more descriptive word and by adding two adverbs/adjectives.  After editing their sentences for capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, we voted for our top 3 sentences to be published.  Here are our                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

I am sad as I want to be in Ukraine. - by Bozhena

I was so forlorn when my cat got hurt at 12:00 in the morning. - by Connor

I'm downcast because it's -1 outside. - by Mack