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Thursday, 28 September 2023

S.W.S. - Week 3 (funny)

For week 3 of Speed Week Sentences, the students were supposed to write a sentence using the word "funny".  They were then asked to revise their sentence by changing "funny" to a more descriptive word and by adding two adverbs/adjectives.  After editing their sentences for capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, we voted for our top 3 sentences to be published.  Here are our winners:

Jamal Jackson is a goofy goober. - by Beckham

The brave silly skunks twirled into space. - by Cooper

There is an amusing and tremendously fat fishy! - by Emily P.

S.W.S. - Week 2: "good"

For our second Speed Week Sentence this year, the students were supposed to write a sentence using the word "good". They were then asked to revise their sentence by changing "good" to a more descriptive word and by adding two adverbs/adjectives. After editing their sentences for capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, we voted for our top 3 sentences to be published.  Here are our winners:

I love superior, hilarious corgi butts!!! - by Julia

The Ninja Turtles eat really tasty pizza  - by Colton

It was a great day. - by Wylie

Friday, 15 September 2023

S.W.S. - Week 1: "nice"

For our first Speed Week Sentence this year, the students were supposed to write a sentence using the word "nice". They were then asked to revise their sentence by changing "nice" to a more descriptive word and by adding two adverbs/adjectives. After editing their sentences for capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, we voted for our top 3 sentences to be published.  Here are our winners:

Jim Jim is a very thoughtful person. - Luca

The cheesy platypus was eating something juicy. - Cali

My hat is very warm today. - Violet